Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yes, I Like to Torture Myself Almost as Much as I Like to Torture Dogs

Well, I'm a little late with the update this week, but that is because I am once again on the cigarette wagon, and that means that most of my thoughts have been very grumpy. For those of you who thought I went on the wagon in March/April… well, I fell off.

Today is day four. I haven't killed anyone (yet) and I think I can get through writing this without bursting into tears. You know, giving up cigarettes is hard every time, and I have the same predictable reactions to stopping the habit every time (yes, this is where some of you will want to quote Einstein about the definition of insanity, and yes, you are right). It doesn't matter that I went over a month without smoking back in March and April; it is just as hard this time. My husband has learned my pattern, though, and knows not to take anything personally the first week of quitting, like when I burst into tears or just leave the room without saying anything. Or when I roll around on the floor hugging an empty box of cigarettes, reminiscing about the good ol’ days and asking why cigarettes aren’t made of vitamins and vegetables.

By next Monday or Tuesday, the fog will start to lift and I will start thinking happy thoughts again.

As part of the quit smoking, get in shape and feel better effort, we have begun walking the hill behind our house. The road behind our house climbs up, up, up for a little over a mile and it's steep. We figure it will be much cheaper than a gym, and it is definitely a workout. The kind of workout where you start making little noises as you exhale, like, "whew," and "mercy" and "holy crap this is hard, I’m going to sit down over here until I stop seeing spots."

Before I stopped the smoking (again), we made it down to Fayetteville, GA to visit our good friends Joe and Judy, who invited us to hang out at their pool. We love Joe and Judy, and not just because they have a sweet pool and will drink frozen margaritas in the middle of the day.

This is Shelby, Joe and Judy's grand-dog. We met Shelby during our visit to Joe and Judy's house in June.

Shelby is a big fan of chasing the automatic pool cleaner, but she is not a big fan of swimming. After an afternoon of Shelby keeping the pool cleaner in line - and let's be honest, after much encouragement from me - Joe decided it was time for Shelby to take a swim. Knuckles did her best to encourage Shelby to stop acting like a cat and swim for a while, but to no avail.

If you put your ear to your computer screen, you will hear the four-letter expletives Shelby mutters as she swims back towards the stairs. Let's just say Shelby gave Joe (and the pool cleaner) a wide berth after this.

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